Dua Lipa looks red hot in her new campaign photo shoot for Puma. The hitmaker took to Instagram to debut her stunning red hair on July 11th and announce her partnership with the athletic footwear and apparel company. The photo features Lipa posing in a chic version of a referee jersey styled into a two-piece. The red lining on the shirt and the singular strip of red at the bottom of the mini skirt matches perfectly with her new hair.
The photo came with the simple caption, "DUA X PUMA FLUTUR DROP 2 IS ALMOST YOURS!!" Puma's Instagram popped up in the comments with a cheeky response, "FLUTUR got me in love again," in reference to Dua's hit song "Love Again."
This will be Dua's second drop of the Dua Lipa Collection. Their website explains, "The second drop of PUMA x DUA LIPA Flutur has arrived. In this collection, Dua designs nostalgic rave inspired PUMA classics, fusing vintage sport inspiration with modern fits and bright, playful colors. It’s a collection that’s made to move, with a sport-meets-fashion aesthetic and Dua’s signature butterfly logo." In other photos posted on the website, Dua is seen sporting the same red hair with a fashionable purple fitted tee.
Dua Lipa has had a bit of a break from her wildly successful The Future Nostalgia Tour. During her downtime, she was recently seen making a surprise appearance on the runway at the Balenciaga show for Paris Couture Week. On July 25th she'll resume the tour in Montreal, Canada.