Photo: Getty Images
Have you ever treated yourself to a nice warm bath . . . with some music . . . maybe a glass of wine . . . and your two-year-old Labrador Retriever?
In a survey of 2,000 pet owners, 6% of people say they BATHE with their pets. (???) Which is wild because it's hard to imagine the PETS even being into that.
The survey was mostly focused on the "unhygienic" things pet cats and dogs do . . . often alongside their owners . . . and as weird as it seems, washing up together is probably one of the more hygienic things on the list.
22% of people "share meals" with their pets . . . 67% allow their pets on the sofa . . . 36% let their pets track dirt into the house without cleaning their feet first . . . 21% allow their pets to walk on kitchen countertops and tables . . .
Virtually everyone, 97%, let their pet "kiss" them . . . a lot of people let their pets onto their bed, and 44% of them sleep with their pets every night . . . and 29% of people admit that their house has a bit of a "pet smell."
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