Photo: Getty Images
This is one of those things that may seem SO CUTE if it was in a romantic comedy . . . but in real life, it's borderline TERRIFYING.
A woman in North Carolina named Michelle Kimball was out walking her German shepherd a while back, when she crossed paths with a man. He looked friendly, and he stopped to pet her dog.
He asked if it would be okay for him to snap a photo of the dog, so Michelle said sure, without really thinking about it.
A few hours later, Michelle received a mysterious text . . . and it turned out to be the SAME GUY who'd pet her dog. She was confused, so he explained that he got her number off THE DOG'S COLLAR.
Michelle told the guy that was creepy and blocked him. And not that it should matter, but Michelle is married. So, if the guy was savvy enough to sneak her phone number from the collar, you'd think he'd be observant enough to see the ring.
(This happened to Michelle a couple years ago . . . but her story was just featured on "Inside Edition", along with another woman who had a guy try to get her ADDRESS off her dog's collar.) Image © 2021 Getty Images