Photo: Getty Images
Hey, sometimes you're just NOT in the mood to cuddle.
A 45-year-old woman in Florida named Kiesel Anthony was in bed last Tuesday night, when her boyfriend asked her to cuddle. She said NO.
And then she flew into a RAGE. It's unclear if she was upset because he tried to cuddle despite her objection . . . or if she was just REALLY furious about him asking for some reason.
She started yelling and screaming, and then she picked up a fan and threw it.
The fan had a stand . . . so then she grabbed the POLE from the fan and whacked her boyfriend in the back of the leg with it. It sounds like that might have gashed his leg, because the police report says it caused a "visible injury."
Kiesel was arrested and charged with domestic battery. She was previously arrested for beating the same guy back in February. It's unclear if he also wanted to cuddle that night . . . or if that fight was over something else.
(The Smoking Gun) (Here's her mugshot.) Image © 2021 Getty Images