Photo: Moment RF
Americans have a LOT on their plate right now. There's the pandemic . . . the natural disasters seemingly everywhere . . . education . . . jobs . . . the endless "Jeopardy!" hosting drama. It's been rough.
But there's one issue that gets overlooked: RICH KIDS' INHERITANCES.
In a new survey, 67% of millionaires say they're worried about leaving "too much" money to their kids. They don't want them blowing the money . . . and having the size and profile of the estate NEGATIVELY affect them.
They also don't want to make them LAZY . . . and they think that there could be better uses for the money, like charities.
Still, one-third of millionaires plan to leave at least half of their assets to an heir . . . while two-thirds say they plan on leaving at least part of their estate to charity.
And check this stat: The wealthiest 1% of Americans receive inheritances worth an average of $719,000, while the bottom 50% get an average of $9,700.
(The Motley Fool) Image © 2021 Getty Images