Photo: Tetra images RF
If you are someone annoyed at having to buy both burger and hot dog buns for your barbecue, a New Jersey butcher has solved that problem for you.
Rastelli’s butcher shop has created a flat round hot dog just in time for your summer barbecues. Unlike regular franks, Rastelli’s are shaped similar to a burger so they not only fit on your burger bun, but holds condiments better and reduces the risk of choking.
“Our customers were accustomed to slicing their hot dog down the middle before grilling to increase surface area for caramelization and flavor,” they said. “So when the really busy moms and dads asked if we had any pre-sliced hot dogs, we started thinking.”
The flat dogs sell for $18 for eight three-ounce patties, and they can be ordered online and shipped.
Pictures of the flat dogs went viral online and many people were not down with the new creation. In fact many wondered what made it different from bologna, but there are differences, with Rastelli’s noting their dog isn’t “fully emulsified or liquefied like some traditional bologna.” They add that it’s wrapped in a collagen casing and netting "to help hold shape”
I think I'll stick with the traditional dogs thank you very much!
Source: Fox News Image © 2021 Getty Images