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MONROE – This will be the first summer in two years that we will be able to enjoy BBQs and all kinds of activities safely thanks to COVID-19 vaccinations and law enforcement officials want to emphasize safety first when enjoying the outdoors.
To that end, they met Thursday at a Monroe pub to remind people to act responsibly.
Executive Assistant Orange County District Attorney Robert Conflitti said while it will be a time to get together, do it smartly.
“It is going to be a summer where we rightfully come back together and enjoy each other’s company, but we need to make sure that we all do it in a way that is not reckless, in a way that we use our heads,” he said.
State Police Troop F Commander Major Paul DeQuarto emphasized safe driving.
“When someone makes the choice to drive after using alcohol or drugs, they are endangering everyone on the road including themselves. There is no excuse for driving impaired. Call a friend or a family member, call taxi or a ride sharing service. If you are going to drink, make a plan for a safe ride home before you go out,” he said.
That was reinforced by Tom Kennedy of Dana Distributors, the Budweiser distributer in Orange, Sullivan and Rockland counties.
“We know that drunk driving accidents increase during holiday weeks during warm weather, but we also know drunk driving is 100 percent avoidable. Whether you call a cab, a ride share service or use public transportation or a designated driver to home, make sure you do your part to keep loved ones safe on the roads,” he said.
La enforcement officials said they will be targeting impaired driving and said those enjoying water sports must use safe boating practices and wear life jackets.
They emphasized the need to extra safety when using grills, fire pits, smokers and bonfires, and they reminded everyone that fireworks are illegal in New York State with the exception of sparklers.