It seems that people with a little meat on their bones aren’t all that plentiful in Japan. “Fat” is defined there as a man over 220-pounds (which is about what I weigh) …and the company of them are in demand.
As such, for a mere $18-an-hour, you can rent your very own large person. In Japan, the new “Debcari” service will let you enjoy the services of a girth-blessed person for the nominal fee.
Currently, 45 men are being rented out to those who need someone to “try on clothes for an overweight friend,” just need someone by their side so they can “feel better about themselves,” or promotional opportunities for commercials, print ads, or diet plans.
It’s also worth noting that the full $18/hour fee goes straight to the person being rented out, and “Debucari only earns a negotiated commission from corporate clients.”
Would something like that fly here? Sign me up and pimp me out!!
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Photo: The Image Bank RF