The Times Square Naked Cowboy Gets His Underwear Pulled Down In Public

Legally speaking, it's an assault. Someone tried to rip the tighty-whities right off of Times Square's Naked Cowboy over the weekend. Video posted on social media shows a prankster run up and basically pants the guy in an apparent attempt to make him live up to his name.

YouTuber Elad Eliahu, 27, who posted the footage on Twitter said, "One of these guys in the crowd just ran up and tore at the Naked Cowboys underwear and then yelled ‘Now you're naked.'" The Naked Cowboy, whose real name is Robert Burck said, "I saw him out of the corner of my eye. He wanted to just rip my underwear off and I didn't want my *you know* flipping around. It scraped the heck out of my knee."

The stunt came as people celebrated the recent election. The Naked Cowboy is a huge Trump supporter, but the pantser's politics were unclear. Check out the video if you’re curious!

Source: New York Post Image © 2020 Getty Images

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