Joe Daily Weekly - Hope You Can Join Me Saturday Morning Starting at 10:00!

This Saturday morning, we'll kick off your holiday weekend with a great show! This is the last weekend of the Hudson Valley Virtual Home Show. It's been a big success. Saturday we'll be talking to one of the many participating businesses--our friends at DBS Remodel. I always find our Hudson Valley Home Shows jump start my imagination and inspire me with some new ideas. I'm sure this year most of us will be happy to consider ways to make our homes more home-y, comfortable and functional!

Also on Saturday's show we'll hear from Frank Castella, Jr. from the DC Regional Chamber of Commerce, who will have the latest update on the Hudson Valley Hot Air Balloon Festival coming up on September 25, 26 and 27. And this week we have a very special edition of "A Reason to Smile," thanks to the wonderful people at Masci & Hale Advanced Dentistry in Montgomery.

To round out the show, we'll hear from Felicia the Prize Girl, who has a Back to School Contest to tell us about; and Lou from Windwood Farm will check in from the Farmer's Market in Modena.

I hope you can tune in! I'll be here from 10 to 3 on The Hudson Valley's Q92!

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