KINGSTON – Over $75,500 worth of grants from the Ulster County Industrial Development Agency and the Ulster County Capital Resource Corporation have been approved for 32 businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19.
The sister agencies approved the grants for personal protective equipment and related items, said Chief Executive Officer Rose Woodworth.
“A lot of places are giving loans, which I think is great, but at the end of the day, all these businesses are going to have to pay back the loans and we just didn’t want to add to the burden and we wanted to help businesses the best we could,” she said.
The agencies have set aside a total of $300,000 for grants. Any business that thinks it may qualify can apply at
Eligible uses for the grants include for purchase of masks, face guards, gloves, footwear, air purifiers, cleaning and disinfecting products, signage, Covid-19 testing kits, hardware, and fixtures to protect patrons and employees from one another, and to pay for contractors to install those barriers.
The expenses may have been incurred as far back as March.