Today is International Cat Day!

It happened, I became one of those people, who NOW 'owns' a cat. I don't really own him, he owns me! Growing up we never owned a cat. For some reason my mom preferred to have us grow with dogs. Until Shoey came along....(his name originated from him hiding in our shoe basket by the front door when he first joined the family)

He is my sweetest little friend, but sometimes my biggest mentioned before, 'he tries to kill me'. His fierce mountain lion personality shows from time to time, but overall, he's a love!

So today, across the Globe we celebrate our passion for the species and there is no 'one size fits all'! If you want to dive deep into the day, there's a website! And....if you're ever thinking about adopting, reach out to the Dutchess County SPCA or Father John's Animal House!

#tellittotaylor: Today is #InternationalCatDay! Show me who has stolen your heart

Photos: Michelle Taylor's iphone

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