Joe Daily Weekly - This Saturday It's Good Friends and A Reason to Smile!

Tomorrow on the show we welcome intuitive medium Deborah Hanlon. She has a wonderful new project and she'll tell us all about it. Frank Castella, Jr. from the DC Regional Chamber of Commerce will join us with a special "Think Local First" Update. And our friends from Masci & Hale Advanced Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry will give us a Reason to Smile when we meet a local couple about to celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary! Holy moly! Also with us, of course, will be Lou from Windwood Farm, Felicia the Prize Girl, and the naturally caffeinated Michelle Taylor!

Don't miss the fun! We start at 10 and go right up to 3. On the Hudson Valley's Q92!

photo Joe Daily's Scrapbook

Here are pictured many "reasons to smile"--the wonderful staff at Masci & Hale Dentistry in Montgomery!

photo Masci & Hale Advanced Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry

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