When you’re trying to land a job the goal is to impress the person doing the hiring, but apparently these people didn’t quite get that message.
A recent Reddit thread asked employers “what’s the weirdest/stupidest answer you’ve seen on a job application?,” and the responses leave you wondering if any of these people have ever been hired for a gig.
Weirdest/stupidest things seen on a resume include:
·"In criminal history section, they checked yes and simply wrote 'rong place, rong time.'"
·"Had a chef once apply with, 'Good at helping my coworkers thieve while the restaurant is at its busiest.'"
·"I had someone bring in a resume that was scrawled out on notebook paper ripped from a spiral bound notebook."
·"Applicant had been convicted for theft under $1000. One special skill they wrote: 'money handling.'"
·"One applicant wrote that he'd served six years in prison for the murder of his wife's lover. He finished by saying that he and his wife were back together."
·"Had a reference from someone simply known as 'Cheese.'"
Source: Buzzfeed Image (c) 2020 Getty Images