This Is What Mom Really Wants to Eat on Sunday!

Happy Mothers Day

Want to do something special for Mom on Sunday? Of course we all do!!! Traditionally, it's Brunch for Mother's Day, right? It's a good thing that's not an option this year, because according to this article I read, that is the LEAST favorite thing that Mom wants to do, LOL (I LOVE brunch).....then WHY every year are the restaurants so packed? Good question!!!

Fast forward to this year, looks like the big winner is breakfast in bed? Then what do you do for the rest of the day???? Here's the story and the breakdown:

  • Brunch - 19%
  • Homemade meal - 39%
  • Takeout or Delivery - 53%
  • Breakfast in bed - 75%

Happy Mother's Day <3

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