Most Americans Concerned About Re-Opening The Country Too Soon – Are You?


While lots of people, including President Trump, are anxious to re-open the country, and the economy, which has been in lockdown since the coronavirus outbreak hit, it seems plenty of Americans are wary of things moving too fast. Are you included?

A new Harris Poll finds:

·84% of Americans are concerned that easing-off restrictions too soon will cause a surge in coronavirus cases.

·74% believe the number of cases need to go down before it’s okay for Americans to return to work.

·67% want to see proper testing in place before folks return to the office. 

So, when to Americans think we should return to our normal life?

·51%, think it will take more than a month.

·23% say three to four weeks from now.

·18% say more than six months from now.

·9% say one to two weeks from now.. 

Source: Harris Poll Image © 2020 Getty Images

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