Most parents will tell you they rarely have time for themselves, let alone time for romance, and according to a new poll, couples really aren’t getting enough time together without the kids.
A new survey finds:
·The average parent hasn’t been on a romantic date in more than three years.
·30% of parents with kids ages five to 18 don’t even remember the last date they went on.
·And parents definitely aren’t happy about it, with 81% saying they need to have more date nights.
There’s no doubt kids can certainly put a damper on romance.
·In fact, 70% of parents say the romance decreased once kids came into the picture.
·What’s more, 53% miss the freedom they had before children.
·Among the things they miss most about their pre-kid life:
oSpending quality time with their partner (45%)
oGoing out on dates with their partner (44%)
oHaving less responsibility (40%)
oHaving more romantic encounters (39%)
oSleeping in (36%)
·On a positive note, regardless of the decline in their romance, 77% of parents say they are happier and more fulfilled thanks to their kids.
Source: SWNS Digital Image © 2020 GettyImages