If you've got kids and want to save time and money, there's a holiday hack called the Four-Gift Rule. And a lot of parents swear by it.
Basically, you just limit each kid to four gifts. But not just random gifts. You buy one thing they want . . . one they need . . . one they'll wear . . . and one they'll read.
Something they want could be a video game. Something they need could be school supplies, or anything else that's boring but necessary. Something they'll wear means clothes or shoes. And something to read could be a book or magazine subscription.
Anyone who's done it will tell you it saves a lot of money. And as a bonus, you don't have to spend as much time shopping.
Another idea is to coordinate with Santa, so he can give your kids the gift they "want." That way they can still ask him for something.
It doesn't just have to be a holiday hack though. Some parents do it for birthdays too.
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