How Many Robocalls Do You Get a Month? Only 3% of Us Get Zero

Electronic Relics Recall Radio Shack's Heyday

Do you get a million spam calls? Or are you one of the lucky few who don't get that many?

A recent survey found only 3% of Americans get ZERO spam calls or robocalls a month. Which is right around the same number of people who don't own a phone.

So apparently that's the only way you can totally avoid them.

48% of people in the survey said they get more than 10 spam calls a month. There weren't any options higher than 10.

14% said they get between 7 and 10 a month . . . 10% said 4 to 6 . . . 12% said 1 to 3 spam calls a month . . . and 3% don't get any.

(YouGov) Image © 2019 Getty Images

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