Are You Disciplined? Save $1,497/Month if You Only Buy the Bare Essentials

Interest Rates Rise For The First Time In Ten Years

You have to pay bills and buy food each month. But how much could you save if you cut out all NON-essentials . . . everything from alcohol to streaming services?

A new survey claims the average American could save $1,497 a month . . . or about $18,000 a year. Here are the top ten non-essential things we spend money on . . .

1. Dinner at restaurants, $209 a month.

2. Drinks with friends or co-workers, $189.

3. Takeout or delivery for dinner, $178.

4. Going out for lunch instead of packing a lunch, $174.

5. Impulse purchases, $109.  (So the top five alone add up to $859.)

6. Transportation for non-essential trips, $96.

7. Personal care, like massages or manicures, $94.

8.  Subscription boxes, like ready-to-cook foods and beauty products, also $94.

9. Cable, $91. Plus another $23 for things like streaming services.

10. Online shopping for stuff you don't really need, $84.

(Yahoo) Image © 2019 GettyImages

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