You have to pay bills and buy food each month. But how much could you save if you cut out all NON-essentials . . . everything from alcohol to streaming services?
A new survey claims the average American could save $1,497 a month . . . or about $18,000 a year. Here are the top ten non-essential things we spend money on . . .
1. Dinner at restaurants, $209 a month.
2. Drinks with friends or co-workers, $189.
3. Takeout or delivery for dinner, $178.
4. Going out for lunch instead of packing a lunch, $174.
5. Impulse purchases, $109. (So the top five alone add up to $859.)
6. Transportation for non-essential trips, $96.
7. Personal care, like massages or manicures, $94.
8. Subscription boxes, like ready-to-cook foods and beauty products, also $94.
9. Cable, $91. Plus another $23 for things like streaming services.
10. Online shopping for stuff you don't really need, $84.
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