How Many People Will Pull Some Kind of April Fools' Day Prank Today?

How Many People Will Pull Some Kind of April Fools' Day Prank Today?

It's April Fools' Day, which means someone's gonna do something dumb enough to get fired or arrested. Hopefully it's not you! Just kidding. That was MY April Fools prank. I hope it IS you.

Anyway, here are the results from a new survey in honor of April Fools' Day . . .

1. 64% of people are planning to pull a prank today.

2. The 10 people we're most likely to prank are: Our spouse or significant other . . . a friend . . . our kids . . . a coworker . . . mom . . . our boss . . . dad . . . a neighbor . . . a roommate . . . and a pet.

3. Only 2% of people would pull a prank on an enemy.

4. The most common reactions to getting pranked are to smile and admit it was good . . . prank the person back . . . get mad but get over it . . . keep a poker face and don't react . . . and quietly get furious.

5. And finally, 2% of people say they'd end a friendship over a prank. 

(National Today) Image © 2019 GettyImages

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