Before You Get Engaged How Long Should You Date Someone?

Before You Get Engaged How Long Should You Date Someone?

With A-Rod popping the question to J-Lo after just over two years of dating we’re asking: If you're madly in love, how long do you have to wait before you pop the question? And how long is TOO long? Over 7,500 people recently took a poll. Here's what they said . . .

1. Less than 6 months of dating . . . only 2% said it's okay. 98% said that's too early.

2. 6 to 12 months . . . 18% said that's the right amount of time.

3. 12 to 18 months . . . 20% said it's a good amount of time, making it the #1 answer.

4. 18 to 24 months . . . 15%.

5. 2 to 3 years . . . 15%.

6. 3 to 4 years . . . only 4%.

7. 4 to 5 years . . . just 2%.

8. More than 5 years . . . also 2%.

22% said they weren't sure what the right amount of time is.

And here's one more surprising stat: Apparently women are a little more gun-shy about getting engaged than men are. 23% of men said you should propose within the first year of dating, compared to 18% of women. 

(YouGov) Image © 2019 Getty Images

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