Our Cell Phone Addiction: Seven New Stats

Our Cell Phone Addiction: Seven New Stats

Has your significant other ever "phubbed" you? That's when you're so focused on your PHONE, you ignore someone or don't hear them.

A third of people in a recent survey said that yes, phubbing is something they've dealt with in their relationship before. Which actually seems kind of low. Here are seven more stats that show how addicted we are to our phones these days . . .

1. 49% of people say they'd pay more attention to what was going on around them if they didn't have their phone. 20% say they wouldn't. Everyone else was on the fence.

2. Would you focus better in general without your phone? 43% said yes, 24% said no.

3. Would you feel anxious, because you wouldn't be able to instantly communicate with people? 44% said they would.

4. Would you feel any sense of RELIEF if you didn't have your phone for the day? Only 29% said yes . . . 34% said no . . . and 37% weren't sure.

5. Would you feel weird without your phone, because you wouldn't know what to do? 22% said that yes, they would.

6. How often do you leave the house without your phone? 67% said rarely or never . . . 22% said every now and then . . . only 8% said regularly . . . and 2% said they never take their cell phone anywhere.

7. When you're at home and walk to a different room, do you usually bring your phone with you? That one was 50/50. Half of people said yes, and half said no. 

(YouGov) Image © 2019 Getty Images

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