I found this list of Valentines Day polls on the Huffington Post that I just had to share:
- 1988, Parents Magazine: “Which of the following activities would you least like to be doing on Valentine’s Day?”
40% said serving as a juror on a divorce trial
20% said dining in a romantic restaurant alone
35% said having to watch eight hours of Love Boat reruns
6% not sure
- 1989, Parents Magazine, in a survey of women: “Would Donald Trump be a perfect companion for Valentine’s Day, would he be acceptable but not your first choice, or would you not want to spend Valentine’s Day with this person?”
7% said he'd be the perfect companion
27% said he's acceptable but not their first choice
57% do not want to spend the day with him
8% no answer
- 1999, Maritz AmeriPoll, in a survey of those who don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day: “Why don’t you celebrate Valentine’s Day?”
30% said nobody to celebrate with
15% said it's not a real holiday/Hallmark holiday
11% Think it’s silly/unimportant
21% don’t believe in it
23% other
- 2002, LavaLife: “Will you buy a Valentine’s gift for your pet?
10% yes
59% no
30% do not have a pet
Of those who said yes, 22% planned to spend more on their pet than their significant other
- 2014, Fox News: “Which is more important when choosing someone to be your Valentine―finding someone who shares your political views or finding someone who shares your sense of humor?”
7% said political views
80% said sense of humor
7% volunteered that they’d require both
3% cared about neither, and another 3% weren’t sure
Happy Valentine's Day Everybody!