Most People Struggle To Return To Work After A Holiday Break

Most People Struggle To Return To Work After A Holiday

A new UK poll, which could easily translate here, finds that it takes four days for workers to get “back in the saddle” after a holiday break

44% of people believe they suffer from January blues, with 30% of workers expecting work to be awful in January

Top Ten Reasons Folks Struggle After The Holidays

The weather is horrible

The days are still short and dark

There are still months left of winter to go

You feel tired and sluggish

January feels like the longest month of the year

The excitement of Christmas has passed

Re-adjusting to the boring routine of everyday life / the daily grind

Feels like ages before you will have any time off work again

You feel like there's nothing to look forward to

You find it hard to motivate yourself to do any exercise

Source: SWNS Digital

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