Hundreds of children and their families filled the Poughkeepsie Galleria for the annual Mall-O-Ween celebration. What a terrific event! There was so much for the families to enjoy: trick-or-treating, coloring, music, and even a magic show! Not to mention costume-admiring. Here are just a few photos.
The children so enjoy dressing up and they are so proud of their costumes. And rightly so, as you can plainly see. :)) Some were a little easier to identify than others, but all you had to do was ask and they were eager to explain!
Here we have the Cookie Monster, accompanied by (in his parents' arms) a little cookie.
A seriously big and scary monster (with a little person inside) . . .
This little princess had her own dazzling coach! . . . It's worth coming just to see what people can come up with using their imagination and creativity. I am always amazed.
Here is Illusionist, Ryan Dutcher, just before his performance, which lasted nearly an hour! during which time the children and parents were simply mesmerized. By the way, if you'd like to see Ryan Dutcher perform his amazing illusions, he will be at John Jay High School in East Fishkill on November 16. (for his full schedule and more information about Ryan, visit here.)
A huge! THANK YOU goes to Jasmine and Jessica who organized the festive occasion, and everyone at the Poughkeepsie Galleria who participated to make this great community event and memory-maker happen.
photos Joe Daily's Scrapbook