This Afternoon's Odd News 8/24/18

Catch ODD NEWS each hour 2p-7p weekdays with Chris Marino on Q92!

This sounds like a job that people would do for free. So for big money? People are going to be fighting dirty and throwing elbows to get this thing. A hotel and resort company in Mexico called Grupo Vidanta is hiring someone for what they're calling the World's Best Job . . . professional vacationer. They want someone to travel between their six resorts for an entire year, writing, quote, "engaging content" on social media about what they have to offer. And that means free access to their restaurants, spas, activities, and everything else. They mention zip lining, swimming with sharks, nightclubs, learning to salsa dance, tequila tasting, and golfing as some of what you'll be doing. And the salary for the job is $120,000 for the year. Applications are due by October 21st, and they're looking for people with sales or hospitality experience who are willing to move to Mexico for the year. The website to apply is  (Time)


Of all the ways you can get fired, this is one of my all-time favorites . . . A heavy set security guard working the front desk at a hospital in Florida has spent the last five months documenting his very audible FLATULENCE while on the clock. He won't reveal his last name, but his first name is Doug. And every time he let one rip, he recorded his facial expression. Then he posted the videos to his Instagram account under the name "Paul Flart" . . . which is a "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" reference. Earlier this week, someone posted a two-minute montage of the videos online, and it blew up. So he's 'Internet famous' now. And he's already dealing with the fallout. Because yesterday, he live-streamed himself getting FIRED for it. His boss at the hospital wasn't happy about all the attention. Especially because some of the videos show the hospital logo in the background. Technically, they fired him for using his phone too much at work. And he didn't even try to argue. He just refused to stop live-streaming while they fired him. But Doug's not sweating it. He says his plan now is to just, quote, "run with this" and see where it goes. And he's already making "Paul Flart" merchandise. (Vice(Here's the original video that went viral.)


Well, this is one way to find out that your marriage is over. And I don't mean symbolically over, I mean REALLY over. There's a woman in Shreveport, Louisiana who recently found some papers that showed she was DIVORCED. And that was news to her, since she hadn't filed any divorce papers. She was estranged from her 27-year-old husband, Demario Clark, but she said she didn't want to divorce him. But he REALLY wanted to end the marriage with her. And he had a new girlfriend who was almost twice his age, a 50-year-old woman named Lisa McKinney . . . and she wanted the marriage to end too. So Demario and Lisa went to the clerk's office on August 1st, she posed as his wife, and they filled out all of the paperwork to get the divorce. Now that the cops put it all together, they were both just arrested for filing false public records and forgery. (Shreveport Times

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