This Afternoon's Odd News 8/10/18

Catch ODD NEWS each hour 2p-7p weekdays with Chris Marino on Q92!

Believe it or not, a new study found it's BAD for your career if you work too hard. The researchers found that when people were too intense at their job and put in extra long hours, they wound up more stressed and more fatigued . . . and their work suffered as a result. (The Cut)

What's the most enjoyable decade in a person's life? According to a new survey, the most popular answer is ages 21 to 30 . . . 31 to 40 came in second . . . and 11 to 20 came in third. (YouGov)

A new survey found 30% of single people won't date you if you have an older phone . . . like a flip-phone . . . that doesn't support certain apps. 20% said having a different operating system is a turn-off. And 10% said a cracked screen is too, because it makes you seem cheap, clumsy, or careless. (Music Magpie)

The number of times men shave in a month has gone from 3.7 times to 3.2 times over the last decade . . . and it's KILLING the razor industry. In just the past year, razor sales have dropped 5% . . . and they think their best hope is just waiting until beards aren't trendy anymore. (Business Insider)

A guy in England recently called the police . . . because his wife was SNORING loudly and he didn't know what to do. They told him that didn't count as an emergency, and he should get her some medical help when she wakes up. (Metro)

A guy in Nebraska flipped his car on Wednesday and fled the scene. And when the cops went to arrest him, he picked up a frog and tried to use it as a hostage. They ended up tasing him, and got him into custody. And the frog was fine. (North Platte Post)

Scammers almost got a bunch of cash out of an elderly couple in St. Louis this week, by claiming their grandson was in an accident and needed money. But the owner of a courier service that was hired to mail an envelope full of cash for them got suspicious. So he called the cops and saved them 15 GRAND. (Fox2Now)

IT'S ON between the makers of Oreo cookies, and lookalike Hydrox. A new FTC complaint by the Hydrox people claims the Oreo folks have secretly been getting grocery stores to put Hydrox cookies in hard-to-see spots, so no one will buy them. (Hydrox cookies were actually created FIRST. They debuted in 1908, Oreos debuted in 1912.) (Full Story)

A family in New York recently took out a loan to get a $1,500 dog. Now the company that gave them the loan says it's technically a lease. And if they don't pay the final $338 lease payment, they'll have the dog repossessed. (Full Story)

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