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A French car company is selling a weird new type of glasses with fluid in the rims that can supposedly CURE motion sickness. They're the opposite of fashionable though. You can pre-order them for $115 at ( (Here's a video.)
Here are the key things you need to do to be an active part of your community, according to a new survey: Be friendly with your neighbors . . . support local businesses . . . don't cause trouble . . . and volunteer. (Yahoo News)
Do you think most people can be trusted? According to a new study, the majority of people actually say YES. (ITV)
The less handsome a guy is, the more he's expected to spend on an engagement ring, according to a new study. But maybe guys don't mind . . . because the study also found that the more attractive a guy found his girlfriend, the more he was willing to spend on the ring. (Daily Mail)
You’ve heard of the Escape Room attraction at Headless Horseman.I actually did it and got out. A guy in Washington broke into an ESCAPE ROOM business on Saturday night . . . but he couldn't figure out how to get out. So he wound up calling 911 for help, and the cops came and arrested him for burglary. (FOX 12 - Portland)
A guy in Oklahoma with a missing leg broke into an apartment complex's office earlier this week, then escaped . . . in a car that was missing a tire. The cops are trying to track him down but right now they're . . . pun not intended . . . stumped. (NBC 4 - Oklahoma City)
A guy in northern California was checking out a used car last week when he suddenly got gored by a BULL. And his doctors say his ample belly fat probably saved his life. (Full Story)
Someone in Missouri drove off while a gas pump was still in their minivan over the weekend. Then gas sprayed everywhere . . . and a $400,000 Lamborghini at a pump next to them went up in flames. (Full Story)
There's an 87-year-old gentleman in the Ukraine who might have the largest family in the world. He claims to have 346 living descendants, including 13 kids . . . 127 grandkids . . . 203 great-grandkids . . . and three great-great-grandchildren. If it's verified, it would crush the current record of 192 living descendants. (Full Story)