Here's a good one for March Basketball!
A new survey asked guys what the ideal MAN-CAVE would look like. And basically, it's multiple TVs . . . plenty of beer . . . and NO WIVES ALLOWED. Here are eight results from the survey . . .
1. The most important features are multiple TVs and a sound system. An indoor putting green ranked last. But come on . . . how awesome would that be?
2. 42% of guys with a man-cave said they have more than one TV in it. 40% also have some sort of video game setup. 29% have a fully stocked bar. 24% have a dart board. And 21% have a pool table.
3. Beer is the most popular drink to have on hand. Soda and hard liquor are next.
4. 56% of guys said the ideal place for a man-cave is the basement. I guess it's a little more cave-like than a spare bedroom or the garage.
5. The #1 celebrity guys want to hang out with in their man-cave is The Rock. Millennials would also like to hang with Drake . . . Gen Xers would like to hang with Bill Murray . . . and Baby Boomers would like to kick back with Tom Hanks.
6. 42% of guys with man-caves said they hang out in there just about every day. Another 35% said a few times a week.
7. 5% said they spent more than TEN GRAND setting it up.
8. And 52% of guys said that, ideally, their significant other would never come in.
(Full Story Joybird, Photo Credit Getty Images)