I've always wondered what foreigners think an "American accent" is. Is it Texas . . . Deep South . . . Midwest . . . New England . . . Valley Girl . . . or just a blend of everything? Well, whatever it is, a decent portion of people think it's HOT.
A new global survey by "Time Out" magazine asked people to name the hottest accent in the world, and an American accent came in at #8. Canada did NOT make the top ten. Here are the ten most attractive accents in the world . . .
1. English with 17% of the vote.
2. French, 13%.
3. Italian, 11%.
4. Irish, 9%.
5. Spanish, 7%.
6. Scottish, 6%.
7. Australian, 5%.
8. American, 4%. The same survey a few years ago found we had the SECOND hottest accent. So I guess we're slipping.
9. Brazilian, 3%.
10. Japanese, 2%.
(Full Story -- Time Out)