When you get together with your relatives for Christmas next month, are you in it for the priceless family bonding and togetherness . . . or are you in it for the presents? It's okay. I'm right there with you.
But according to a new survey, 60% of Americans say they'd be willing to give up gifts completely and just spend time with their family.
And 69% say if a family member proposed "no gifts" this year, they'd agree to it.
The survey also found that if people didn't have to buy presents, 47% would save or invest the money . . . 37% would pay down some debt . . . and 25% would pay for activities with their friends or family.
One more thing. Another survey found that finding good gifts is SO hard that 67% of people say it's easier to cook an entire holiday meal that everyone loves than to find the right gifts for all of them.
(Full Story PR Newswire / Boston Business Journal, Image (c) 2017 GettyImages)