Maloney, Molinaro visit Dutchess vaccination site to encourage vaccinations

POUGHKEEPSIE — Representative Sean Maloney (D- NY18) and Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro toured the county’s vaccination site at the old JC Penny space in the Poughkeepsie Galleria, Tuesday morning, to reiterate confidence in COVID 19 vaccines and to encourage vaccinations for those 16 and older.
Maloney said the state’s vaccination rate has decreased by 18 percent since last week’s approximately 1.2 million dosages given. He said not only are the vaccines safe, it is that imperative everyone receives them because it is currently the only offensive measure against the virus.
“It is absolutely essential that everyone get this vaccine. I’ve been vaccinated, my family has been vaccinated and I’m sure Marcus has been vaccinated. We’re not just talking about this. The vaccines are safe and effective. It will save your life. It will save a loved one’s life,” said Maloney. “All of us have vulnerable people in our circles, so even if you think you are healthy, or in good shape and your kids may be less likely to get in trouble with this virus; the truth is, there’s going to be an aunt, or an uncle, or a grandparent, or a neighbor and you don’t want to be responsible for getting that person sick,” he said.
Dutchess County, particularly, was relying heavily on the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that was briefly discontinued for causing health complications in recipients and could have been cause of hesitation for individuals deciding to get the vaccine. Molinaro said this is a valid reason for concern, along with being an ESL individual, having work hours that coincide with vaccination site hours, or having a religious concern with vaccination, among others. Molinaro said the intention is to meet people halfway, letting them know that their concerns are valid and confronting them with information about the vaccine, with the goal being to reach the “magic number” of vaccinations required for communal immunity.
“These are all things that, quite frankly, are acceptable and understandable and not something that we shame people for, but we confront them and provide them resources,” said Molinaro. “Thanks to some help from state and local assistance, or through Congress, we’re able to put education and information in front of people and little by little, we’ll get to whatever that magic number is,” he said.
Molinaro added the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is now safe to administer to the public, but the choice to get vaccinated is that of each individual.
Maloney said the fed is not looking at mandating vaccinations, but achieving a herd immunity is crucial to bring life back to a normal state.

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