Seven New Dating Terms That Have Come Out of the Pandemic

You know how it sometimes feels like you have to learn a whole new language to keep up with modern dating? Yeah, that's so legit that now even the language education companies have gotten involved.

You might have heard of the language learning app called Babbel. One of their linguists just released a new report on the new dating terms that have come out of the pandemic. Check 'em out . . .

1. Zumping. Getting dumped over Zoom.

2. Corona-zoned. When a physical relationship is delayed because of Covid fears, so you keep things virtual for longer than you would've in normal times.

3. Lockblocking. Canceling or rescheduling a date because of new lockdown rules.

4. On-nomi. A Japanese term for drinking together online.

5. FODA. Stands for "fear of dating again," and happens to people who haven't been dating since the pandemic began.

6. Quarantionship. A relationship that started during quarantine and developed virtually.

7. Smugsolation. When a new couple uses social media to flaunt how they're now spending all of their time together in person.

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