What Would You Say Are the Most Stressful Life Events? Here’s Ten of Them

That debate on Tuesday was probably the most stressful event of the week. But what's the most stressful LIFE event we have to deal with?

A new survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of North American Van Lines, asked 1,000 Americans to name the most stressful moments in life. And MOVING took the top spot. (As I mentioned, the survey was paid for by a moving company, so you might want to take that one with a grain of salt.)

Here are the top ten . . .

1. Moving.

2. Going through a big break-up or divorce.

3. Getting married.

4. Having kids.

5. Starting your first job.

6. Changing careers.

7. Sending your kid off to college.

8. Starting college yourself.

9. Dating someone new.

10. Getting a new pet. 

(A few we were surprised to not see on the list were losing your job, dealing with a major illness, and the death of a loved one.)

(SWNS) Image © 2020 Getty Images

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