Guess How Many Times on Average That You're on Camera? 238 Times a Week!

Get ready to think back on all those times you picked your nose and thought no one was watching . . .

A new study found there are so many security cameras now, the average American is caught on camera 238 times a week. That's 34 times each day. And if you travel a lot, or work certain jobs, it's over a THOUSAND times a week.

Here's how they broke it down . . .

1. You're more likely to be caught by a security camera while DRIVING than at any other time. 160 times a week on average.

2. The average employee is on camera 8 times a day, or 40 times a week. But it's a lot higher if you work in retail.

3. You're caught on camera 24 times a week while shopping.

4. Doorbell and security cameras in your own neighborhood catch you 14 times a week, or twice a day.

5. By next year, there will be around a BILLION live security cameras worldwide. Including up to 180 million in the U.S. 

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