Joe Daily Weekly - Join Me for a Second Cup of Coffee This Morning at 10!

I hope you can join me this morning starting at 10:00 for another edition of Joe Daily Weekly. Besides the great music and the information you need to plan your weekend, I'll be speaking to some special guests, including Roy C. Ketcham Principal David Seipp who will tell us all about the 20-day Senior Send-Off. I am really curious to hear about that! Plus Felicia Kirschner will continue our Salute to Graduates, Michelle Taylor will be here with another chapter in the saga of Michelle Taylor's World (always enlightening), and we'll be checking in with our friends on WRWD who are hosting the 30th Annual WRWD Country Cares for Kids St. Jude Radiothon. I'm putting the link right here, so you don't forget--if you'd like more details and to make a donation to this extremely important fundraiser for children with cancer and their families, who are receiving the best treatments available and gentle, loving care at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

So bring your coffee and bagel and join me this morning at 10, right here on Q92.

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