Tell It To Taylor Question of the Day: Ice Cubes or Crushed Ice?

Tell It To Taylor Question of the Day: Ice Cubes or Crushed Ice?

Do you normally think about your option of crushed ice or ice cubes when you have that choice?

We make ice the 'old fashioned' way at my home, with an ice cube tray! For some reason, we purchased a modern refrigerator a few years ago (it was my husband's job) and inside, it has the option of making your own ice, but there isn't a dispenser on the door....odd?, but not an issue, at all!

BUT, when I venture over to my girl's homes, there it is....the option of crushed or cubed ice, RIGHT ON THE DOOR! I see the lever and make sure it's on 'crushed' and fill 'er up!!! So I would say crushed for me!

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