Know Where You'll Spend Nearly Half Your Life? In Bed

Know Where You'll Spend Nearly Half Your Life? In Bed

If this doesn't make you want to get up and DO something with your time here on Earth, maybe nothing will . . . 

A new study found the average American will spend almost half of their life in BED.

On average, we sleep about 7 hours a night. And if you add up all the time you spend trying to fall asleep . . . watching TV . . . reading in bed . . . and getting FRISKY, it's an extra 4 hours a day. So, that's 11 hours total.

If that seems high, just remember we're talking about the "average person" here . . .

That means you have to factor in college kids or older people who might spend MORE than 11 hours a day in their bedroom.

Life expectancy in the U.S. is just over 78 years. So if you do the math, that means the average American will spend a total of 36 YEARS of their life in bed . . . just under half their life.

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