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Guy Was Accidentally Invited to a Stranger's Bachelor Party . . . Now He's Going
There's a 35-year-old named Will Novak in Phoenix, and last week, he got an email about a bachelor party for a guy named Angelo.
Will doesn't know Angelo, and it turns out Angelo's friends sent him the invitation by mistake . . . they meant to send it to their friend who's also named William Novak, and his email was only one letter different than Will's.
But when Will read the email, he thought the bachelor party sounded GREAT. The guys are going on a ski trip in Vermont next weekend, and they're supposed to, quote, "bring . . . '80s attire [and] ridiculous awesome get-ups."
So Will wrote back and said, quote, "I am Will Novak who lives in Arizona. Vermont seems like a very far way for me to travel for the bachelor party of a guy I've never met. That being said: [blanking] count me in!"
And Angelo's friends LOVED that idea . . . so now, Will is going to the bachelor party.
He set up a GoFundMe to pay for the plane ticket, car rental, lift tickets, and a wedding present for Angelo . . . and because his situation was so ridiculous, he hit his $750 goal in a few hours. (Will says any additional money raised will go into a fund for Angelo's first child.)
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